Figuring It Out
I think sometimes we get caught up in doing life the way we think it should be done. I think we spend way to much time planning every moment of our lives. Sometimes we get so caught up in planning everything that we get confused and disoriented to where we actually are in life.
But the thing is we spend all this time planning but nearly all of us forget something. Not only is the next hour, day, week, month or year planned. Your whole life already had direction and purpose, your life has already been planned, by the master of all plans. God.
We are at that point where technology is everything. We need to know the latest news updates via Facebook, Twitter or what ever else there is and we forget that we don’t need the latest news when we have the greatest news available to us. The word of God.
Some of us are so caught up in other peoples lives that we forget about our own and we can...