Josh Mitchell

Writer, Author, Lyricist, Lover Of All Things Creative

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Figuring It Out

I think sometimes we get caught up in doing life the way we think it should be done. I think we spend way to much time planning every moment of our lives. Sometimes we get so caught up in planning everything that we get confused and disoriented to where we actually are in life.

But the thing is we spend all this time planning but nearly all of us forget something. Not only is the next hour, day, week, month or year planned. Your whole life already had direction and purpose, your life has already been planned, by the master of all plans. God.

We are at that point where technology is everything. We need to know the latest news updates via Facebook, Twitter or what ever else there is and we forget that we don’t need the latest news when we have the greatest news available to us. The word of God.

Some of us are so caught up in other peoples lives that we forget about our own and we can...

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What is your passion?

Mine is music and production. I have figured out that there is nothing more I want to do than work in the entertainment industry. I have been studying the last 2 years at TAFE to gain the qualifications secure a decent job in the industry.

A lot of hard work will go into the next few years and today marks stage 1 of the journey. Today I applied for my first job as a production assistant on board P&O Cruises.

The weekend I just spent on board the Pacific Pearl was amazing. Their lighting and sound set ups in all areas where just wow and I realized that this is what I am passionate about and what I would love to do for the rest of my life.

A lot of people don’t understand the work that goes in behind the scenes to create and design the things you see in live performances and I have discovered that there is nothing I want to do more than deliver a wow factor to...

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Habits That Hurt


What can habits hurt? Well firstly your body, I personally haven’t but a lot of people have fallen into the habit of self harm. Secondly habits can hurt you friendships / relationships through they way you, act, talk or try to fit in. And finally habits can hurt your life, suicide, disorders, drugs and alcoholism may start from little tiny habits some of the time.

Habits are little things we develop to defend our selves in situations that may frighten or intimidate us, or make us feel bad about our selves. What is your habit?

I hate the idea of self harm, that is why I have never done it but don’t get me wrong I have thought about it. I went through about a 11 year period of bullying. I was chased around the play ground circled around and then teased. Once I hit year 4 things got a little physical, it went from being circled and teased to...

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Above All Others

I am here to tell you, I AM A CHRISTIAN. I am here to tell you, I AM NOT ALONE. I am here to tell you, JESUS IS REAL. I am here to tell you, HE WANTS TO WALK THROUGH LIFE, WITH YOU.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. There is really no one better, stronger, wiser or more perfect than he is.

Now for everyone who has just read those first 2 paragraphs and started laughing and you are about to stop reading listen here. I am about to tell you 3 things that may change your mind about him.

  1. This week gone by 30th June - 4th July in Sydney, Australia people flocked to Hillsong Conference. Packed Allphones Arena twice a day with no seats left to spare. People even sat in the foyers and out side to watch the services, as well as everyone who linked in at their church campuses and watched it on TV. If you can show me 1 person that has died for your sins over 2000 years ago that can draw a crowd of 22,000+...

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The Thought Behind The Work

First of all I would like to thank everyone for reading my posts. I know some of you have only read 1 or 2 but it still means a lot. I have had a fair few people tell em my posts are well written and that I should become

Now the reason I have hesitated about this option of actually writing huge pieces is simply because my ideas are in the moment. My first two posts were about love and relationships and my second two were about my religious life.

What I write off is simply just one idea. I start writing about one thing and expand it into my blog posts that you read. I don’t like planning things out. I would prefer to just have one idea pop into my head start writing and branch out from there. Plus when I do write big fictional pieces they are normally really cliche and teenagery.

So for now I am going to stick with my personal thoughts and feelings and sharing them with you guys. I am...

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His Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace
How Sweet The Sound
That Saved A Wretch Like Me
I Once Was Lost
But Now I Am Found

How good is it to know that God is on our side. This idea or reality that because of his truly Amazing Grace was able to save lives of people like me, find me and guide me to be found in Him.

Everyone believes different things, I believe in God and I have never been so sure of that fact as I am right at this moment. The power of prayer is overwhelming, the power of encountering God even more so.

There comes a time when you don’t know what to do or what to say, I had one of those moments tonight, totally lost for words and all of a sudden I started speaking in tongues. Then out of no where praying for things in my life that have been on my heart. I gave everything to God.

When I was praying it was like I was consumed, I just kept going and couldn’t control what I was saying I was just...

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So August 2013 I gave my life to God. Leading up to this I was never a believer in God and I never went to church.

I had just gotten out of a terrible relationship in which I was an emotional mess. I was talking to my best friend Hannah after this ordeal, and she invited me to youth.

I went around a month after the end of the relationship and the first night I opened up to God. I then went the following Sunday night and that night I made the decision to give my life to God. Scott “Sanga” Samways was preaching and during his alter call he asked those brave enough to stand right down the front.

With out hesitation I step out form my seat and went and stood right in front of him. He started calling for more people but continued preaching straight to me. By this stage I was in tears. I saw movement to my left and turned to see Hannah running at me.

See hugged me and started crying...

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Life In A Labyrinth

Not going to lie. I finished reading Looking For Alaska by John Green yesterday, most amazing book and it posed a really topical question that I couldn’t stop thinking about.

“How would - you personally - ever get out of this labyrinth of suffering?”

Good question hey? I will break down my answer for you. This may take a while and get a bit boring.

Step 1 - Source Your Suffering

What are you suffering from? Maybe some it is more severe than others. Now in Alaska’s case (in the book) she was suffering from the fear of failing people. And this lead to her death accidental or not (sorry for any spoilers). But there is a lot of surrounding factors that lead up to the point of acting on your suffering. I personally suffer from the fear of not being accepted.

Step 2 - Break Down Your Suffering

What is causing you to suffer? Is it regret? Fear? Guilt? What ever it maybe you need to...

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The Story Of All Stories

We need to love with out fear. We need to love like there is no tomorrow. We need to love like it could end at any moment. We need to give love the power to break our hearts but if we love with out fear, like there is and like to could end at any moment. We will never give love the power to break our hearts.

This tiny little metaphor of a cigarette has gotten me thinking about what has the power to kills us but we can limit its power to kill us. My first thought was love. And then I couldn’t find anymore. I know there are millions but for some reason that thought of a love so strong that no matter the circumstances the love holds strong.

A love so strong that even though someone might be like a grenade you agree to stick by them through thick and thin. You take on all their worries and problems and issues and you wear them like they were your own. Or a love so strong that even...

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The Love Only Imaginable

I am a hopeless romantic. I sometimes laugh at my self because I fall for girls way to good for me. I to be honest I blame movies and books. I believe in the type of love that is found between, Paige & Leo, Hazel & Augustus, Alaska & Miles and the list goes on.

I believe that I have a chance with the girls way to good for me or the already taken girls and for some reason think that it will work out. In every case so far it hasn’t. I am the kid that has had multiple failed relationships.

I am 18, I have had 6 “relationships” if you can even call them that. The longest lasted 3 months shortest 3 days. I guess I try to hard to make that imaginable Hollywood love happen.

I guess I haven’t found that spark yet. That one feeling that will keep you fighting for what ever it is that is present. The spark that makes everyone who walks past stop and say to themselves “I want that.”

Is that...

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